Putting on JOBST Hosiery is always easier with JOBST Donning Gloves! JOBST gloves help create friction, provide grip and help to evenly distribute the fabric on the leg.
• JOBST® Donning Gloves help create friction, provide grip and
help to evenly distribute the fabric on the body.
• Due to the non-slip surface of the glove, you can optimally grasp,
comfortably put on and smoothly distribute elastic, close-fitting and
damageable materials and clothing (ie: stockings, tights, leggings,
bodysuits, outerwear, etc.)
• The glove will also helps prevent damage to the garment from the
sharp edges of rings, fingernails and chapped skin.
• Available in sizes XS, SM, MD, LG and XL
• 60% Latex, 40% Nylon